New Year, New Projects: Five Tips on How to Plan Your Home Updates

From major renovations to simple updates, there's no time better than the beginning of the year to start getting yourself organized to tackle all your home projects. Planning any project can be daunting, but we're here to help guide you through projects of any size, not only with tips and inspiration, but also with all the practical information that you'll need to get started.

Before diving into any renovation, your first step should be to take a look at your list of projects and answer these three key questions:

  • Which room or space in the home is this for?
  • What is your budget?
  • How much time will this take to complete?

The cost of your project will vary depending on if you're hiring professionals or doing some updates yourself. Start thinking about the details of each project to get a better sense of what you'll need.

1. Consider all the updates you want to do in each space

Once you've done your first renovation project, you realize how every project can have a snowball effect—until suddenly you're updating your entire home. A solid understanding of the amount of time and budget you have to work with can help keep this in check. It can also be helpful to plan things so that you understand how one project can be connected to another. Planning on swapping out your kitchen cabinet hardware? Maybe it's also the time to refinish and paint the cabinets in your color of choice. If you're change your hardware, using a pull instead of a knob, this will become a necessary step since it will involve drilling new holes.

Thinking about updating your bathroom faucet? Keep in mind whether the style you like will require a new vanity and countertop. When you organize your tasks together by space, it gives you a better vision of your finished project—and the work required to get there. Make note of which projects require professional installations and what you're taking on yourself (and always allot more time for that than you expect!).

2. Think about the best time of year for each project

Whether you're painting your entire house or installing new lighting throughout, certain times of the year are best for specific projects. For example, plan to paint your walls or refinish your wood floor when there's less rain and humidity in the air, which can cause paint and floor varnish to take much longer to dry. Additionally, it’s much more pleasant to open the windows and doors to air out your home when it isn’t freezing outside.

For kitchen updates and renovations, consider any big parties or gatherings you might be hosting over the next year. Whether it's a summer barbecue or holiday event, plan your project schedule accordingly—and leave a buffer for projects that may take longer than originally planned, post-project clean-up, and organizing. Installing outdoor lighting around your home is a great option for any time of the year, however it's often a must-do in the fall months, when it starts to get darker earlier.

3. Schedule big renovations around your vacation schedule

Budget permitting, it's usually best to plan larger renovations to key spaces while you're out of town or can stay elsewhere for a couple weeks. Kitchen and bath renovations often mean you'll be without a place to cook or shower for a while, plus most projects kick up a lot of dust and debris in the air.

4. Allow plenty of time for shipping

Once you've prioritized your projects for the year, it's important to consider shipping time for all your key pieces. In addition to any supply chain delays, handcrafted products require longer lead times, so keep that in mind when planning your projects.

Custom sofas and sectionals can take up to 12 weeks. Our custom lighting is made to order and shipped to your door within 2-5 weeks, plus we also offer many ready-to-ship lighting and hardware options. Knowing what you want and the lead time for delivery allows you to plan related projects accordingly, like if you're refinishing the wood floors before your sofa arrives or you're waiting for your new lighting to arrive before purchasing matching hardware.

5. Consult a design professional

Our Design Crew will help you choose the perfect lights, hardware, and furniture for any room in your home. With experts across all our brands, we’ll help you design and customize for your next refresh or renovation project. Schedule an appointment today!

Get started on your next project with our resources below and follow us on Instagram for plenty of inspiration.